Research & Concept & Inspiration
05/18/20 - 06/01/20
Read articles about womenswear and menswear in relation to the LGBTQ+ community and how they navigate that space. I also found multiple companies who are targeting the gender neutral space.
Before my research started I was planning on creating a gender neutral collection, however after reading article after article I realized that gender neutral or androgynous clothing did not fit my mission anymore. It generally fit a specific body type, making it very niche and the people who are attracted to gender neutral clothing are not my target market. For many queer individuals expressing their gender identity through their clothes is very important and they are not trying to hide their gender. Others bounce between all forms of gender expression or mix them when it comes clothes. I want create a collection where anyone can come and pick out anything. If my clothing was a store, you would not have to go to the women’s or men’s department, you could just look through the racks and find what works for you.
First mood board focuses on the feeling of being uncomfortable in your skin
Second mood board is where I will pull color, print, pattern, and silhouette from. The images tell the story of Disco and modern dance.
Initial Sketches and Drape Exploration
06/15/20 - 06/29/20
Initial Print and Pattern
06/29/20 - 07/13/20
Muslin Development
Thrifted blazer and pants. Crop Top made from excess fabric. Models of various genders.
Fabric Exploration
Semi-Final Design Breakdown
09/30/20 - 12/30/20
Look number 2 was dropped due to lack of overall cohesiveness.